Heart of Healing Team

Our Team . . .

Healing is a lifetime journey, every step is a blessing and teaches us so much in many different ways ~ may our teachings guide you to what inner healing potential you already have . . . we are all students & teachers of life.


Harshani Curbishley-Brown

Harshani is a Reiki Master Teacher, Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Sound Healing Therapist and Heart of Living Yoga Teacher Trainer. The healing path is simply part of her life and is integrated into everything she does, helping others discover their own inner healing potential ~ mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually. She works in harmony with the Highest Self, helping re-balance the subtle body, chakras, auric fields and our planes of existence, which support the healing journey.

padma devi sumananda

Rev. Padma Devi is a natural healer, professional kinesiologist and life retuning practitioner as well having a lifetime of experience as a therapeutic yoga teacher which she has shared with many others. She is also the founder & president of Heart Of Living Yoga Foundation.

Prem devi

Prem Devi has been studying spirituality and healing modalities since the age of 14. She has particular interest and a depth of knowledge in the areas of indigenous South American healing practices, Seicho-no-ie Japanese philosophy, vibrational medicine and sound healing, women’s health, quantum physics and more. She is also a Heart Of Living Yoga Teacher Trainer. Prem is always ready to embrace and discover the natural path of Life in a free and playful way. She is open and welcoming on supporting who ever is interested in self-discovery, self-knowledge

Hanuman Sumananda

Hanuman Sumananda is a Heart Of Living Yoga Teacher and Intuitive Healer, here to support and help all realise their true potential .